Port report Brest
Once we arrive in Brest, we have to be patient. We wait! Not only for the right wind, but also[…]
WeiterlesenOnce we arrive in Brest, we have to be patient. We wait! Not only for the right wind, but also[…]
WeiterlesenCherbour – Alderney 24,7 nm We have decided to leave Cherbourg and so we get up in the morning and[…]
WeiterlesenFécamp – Saint Vaast La Hougue 64,6 nm Early in the morning seems to be exactly our time! Although to[…]
WeiterlesenWe are sociable people and enjoy having guests on board! However, as it is relatively crowded on board and not[…]
WeiterlesenBoulogne sur Mer – Fécamp 78,8 nm Sunday, the alarm clock rings at 5:30 am! What has actually gone wrong[…]
WeiterlesenDunkerque – Boulogne-sur-Mer 44,4 nm „The alarm clock rings again at 6.30 am and with a „pyjama start“, i.e. without[…]
WeiterlesenZeebrugge – Dunkerque 40,8 nm It’s Sunday! And the alarm clock rings again at 6 o’clock in the morning!!! How[…]
WeiterlesenIjmuiden – Zeebrugge 88,4 nm Getting up early is not really our thing! But today we have to. We want[…]
WeiterlesenHelgoland – Ijmuiden 188 nm After a week on Helgoland, we are finally moving on. The weather isn’t perfect, but[…]
WeiterlesenIt’s not easy! Sailing away! There’s always something to consider, repair, improve and equip. So it is with us. After[…]