Welcome to our Englisch blog and our sailing adventures on the catamaran „La Ola“. Please excuse any „funny“ sounding phrases. We are not native English speakers and sometimes use translation tools so that new blog posts are quickly available in English.
Enjoy the trip!
Axel & Brit
- Cruise plan 2025It’s not that easy to plan a cruise! If you[…]
- Shipyard report PortimãoFebruary starts like every year – with my birthday! The[…]
- Portreport Vilamoura – Part 3Our Christmas Eve passes quietly and with delicious food. Lucky[…]
- 3D printing on boardAfter getting to know Hildebrand from the motor yacht Troll,[…]
- Portreport Vilamoura – Part 2Sunday, 1st December and 1st Advent. And I’m still sitting[…]
- Portreport Vilamoura – Part 1The first few days in Vilamoura pass by in a[…]
- Blog Cascais – VilamouraCascais – Sesimbra 29,8 nm Pattering rain wakes us up[…]
- Packing list for a visit to La OlaIn one of my last posts, I wrote about visiting[…]
- Blog A Coruña – CascaisA Coruña – Cascais 342,0 nm The alarm clock wakes[…]
- Portreport A CoruñaOur first day in Spain begins grey and foggy. But[…]
- Blog Brest – A CoruñaBrest – Morgat 22,8 nm The sun is shining! But[…]
- Port report BrestOnce we arrive in Brest, we have to be patient.[…]
- Blog Cherbourg – BrestCherbour – Alderney 24,7 nm We have decided to leave[…]
- Blog Fécamp – CherbourgFécamp – Saint Vaast La Hougue 64,6 nm Early in[…]
- Guests on boardWe are sociable people and enjoy having guests on board![…]
- Blog Boulogne sur Mer – FécampBoulogne sur Mer – Fécamp 78,8 nm Sunday, the alarm[…]
- Blog Dunkerque – Boulogne sur MerDunkerque – Boulogne-sur-Mer 44,4 nm „The alarm clock rings again[…]
- Blog Zeebrugge – DunkerqueZeebrugge – Dunkerque 40,8 nm It’s Sunday! And the alarm[…]
- Blog Ijmuiden to ZeebruggeIjmuiden – Zeebrugge 88,4 nm Getting up early is not[…]
- Blog Helgoland – IjmuidenHelgoland – Ijmuiden 188 nm After a week on Helgoland,[…]
- Blog Cuxhaven to HelgolandIt’s not easy! Sailing away! There’s always something to consider,[…]
- Moving on boardNow that „La Ola“ is finally around the corner in[…]
- Cat Lucky – first days as a boat catOnce we have completed all the modifications on board and[…]
- Board mattressesWell, mattresses are not necessarily technology, but as this is[…]
- Cats travellingWhen a cat goes travelling, a few formalities are required.[…]
- Photos of the transfer from Falmouth/UK to CuxhavenFrom April 23 to May 5, 2024, we were able[…]
- 1st Cruise Report – Transfer from Falmouth/UK to CuxhavenWe really have sailed a few miles in our lives.[…]
- Planning is neededEven though we haven’t been catamaran owners for long, we’ve[…]
- Cat for the catTo make sure that Lucky the cat is safe and[…]
- The green dotAnyone thinking of recycling is completely wrong! Well, maybe not[…]
- Berth searched and foundNow that we have finally found a catamaran, the move[…]
- DigitalizationWell, once you’ve decided to swap your house for a[…]
- Boat cat Lucky?We thought about it for a long time and weighed[…]
- Buying a boat and transfer moneyThere are things that you – or at least I[…]
- Name found!Yes, it was not an easy process. Thank you very[…]
- Finally boatowners again!Many thanks for keeping your fingers crossed!!! It worked out[…]
- Boat found?!What’s the saying? Good things take time?! Good things take[…]
- Name wantedWhile the names for our first two boats were quite[…]
- Evaluation of second-hand yachtsThere is no such thing as the perfect used boat.[…]
- Boat wantedAfter almost 15 years in the country and 8 years[…]
- Here we go again!Nothing helps! We have to go again!!! No, it’s not[…]
- Big News – We have split up!Yes, it’s sad but true, we’ve split up! We had[…]